
Create a product

The first step in using the IoT platform: Create a product in the console. A product is a collection of devices, typically a set of devices that have the same functional definition. For example, a product is a product of the same model, and a device is a device under that model.

Background information

This document describes how to create a product on the console.

How to do it

  1. Sign in to the IoT platform console.

  2. Left navigation bar selection General Product Management, clickCreate a product

    • Create products of the MQTT protocol type


    • Create a product of the LWM2M (CoAP) protocol type


  3. Follow the page prompts to fill in the information and click Done.

    The page parameters are set as follows:

Parameters description
Product name Name the product. The product name is unique within the account. For example, you can fill in as a product model. Support slots Chinese, English letters, numbers and underscores, with a length limit of 4 to 30, and a Chinese 1 digit.
Protocol type The device access protocol type, that is, the type of communication protocol between the device and platform of the product, currently supports the MQTT, LWM2M (CoAP) protocol.
Data type The downstream data format on the device can be selected for standard data formats, transmission/customization, currently only MQTT supports this option, and LWM2M only supports the standard data format.
Product mode Currently only MQTT supports this option (currently only the property model is supported)
description You can enter text to describe product information. The word limit is 100.

After the product is created successfully, the page automatically jumps back to the product list page. In the product list, click the view button for the product to set up the material model (function definition), data analysis (transmission/customization only) and more.


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